Feb 17, 2010

I went to Newport Beach today to check out a restaurant that was running an ad for servers. Since I have never been here (well, I drove through once last year) I decided to show up early and play tourist. As soon as I got off the 55 freeway and entered the town I could feel the energy change. Laid back beach tourist town... is how I would describe the place. I could just pack the family up and plop down here. There is something about living by the ocean that is... well... I can only describe it as ... ahhhh. I felt the same way when I lived in Miami. I can vividly remember one day I was washing my clothes at the neighborhood laundromat and while I was waiting for the clothes to finish I sat on the bench outside the laundromat and watched the boats go by on the estuary. It was absolute heaven!

Check out the Ingebird in a bikini!

Bicycles seem to be the preferred mode of transportation. There are mostof the street parking is metered, and I am guessing real estate is expensive and so are the monthly car parking lots.

I won't know if I made it to the second round of interviews until tomorrow afternoon, but I hope I do. It sure would be great to work in this environment everyday! The pictures I took are in a three block radius of the restaurant I applied to. I will keep my fingers crossed!
I also met this interesting woman who has an office in a garage of one of the buildings. She runs a non profit benefitting animals. Her site is called www.pawsoftheplanet.org She does some really good work for the welfare of animals, whether they walk, fly or swim.
Hope your day is fun and don't forget to laugh out loud!
xoxo Inge

Surfing definitely is a favorite sport around here!

Graffiti Newport Beach style!

Kid art for sale

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