Jul 2, 2011

I am feeling pretty good today...good enough to make some cards...one birthday and another get well card. I haven't done any crafts in many months...definitely not since my illness. I also decided to take some photos of our new place. The patio really makes a difference...it makes the condo seem bigger. I am getting used to living in a smaller place and find it easier to keep tidy. I will have to restrain myself from buying more goodies though and remind myself that whatever I buy...I will have to pack away something else or it will get cluttered fast. I also am happy to have carpet back...I thought I would love the hardwood floors but it was so much more work, especially with the critters...I mopped up tons of fur daily!
One of my friends that I met at the hospital, Jeremy is having a hard time. He was diagnosed with the c-word 2 weeks before me. Please pray for him. Also, I am starting a prayer list...if there is someone you would like added to it, please send me an email junkstylediva@gmail.com, or leave a comment. I am a true believer in prayer because I am living proof...so I want to pay it forward.
xo Inge

Cooper is getting ready to help me make greeting cards

Our dining room table, but at the moment the only ones eating there are the cats!

We are still putting away boxes so it looks a bit cluttered in this corner.

Behind the red curtains are the washer and dryer. What a luxury to do laundry inside. I remember having to schlep baskets of laundry 2 blocks to the nearest laundramat by foot when we lived in San Francisco.

Jinx is enjoying his new bed.

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