Mar 3, 2013

I am Changing My Focus & Blogsites

There isn't enough time in the day to do everything I would like to do.  Part of my problem is that there are many things that I like doing. I can multi-task but I'm not that good at it. There's always something that doesn't get enough of attention, so I decided to discontinue posting on this blog, and focus my attention to my new blog. Well, it's not that new, I just changed blogsites. I went with Wordpress which allows me a lot more freedom and my new blog looks more polished. I am much happier with it.

If you would like to read about health, my experience with cancer patients, alternative healthcare, healthy organic foods (in my case vegan foods) Buddhism and how it relates to keeping me healthy, then please come along. My blog address is

I really enjoyed writing about crafting, flea markets, and collecting treasures but I think it's time to change my focus. 

Thank you for taking the time to check in!   

xo     Inge