Jan 22, 2009

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

I think you have figured out by now that I Really like to have fun and to me laughing is a sport that should be played daily if not hourly. I think when we grow up we are taught to be serious and that being playful is considered immature. I can remember when I was in my 20s a friend told me (quite seriously) men don't like funny women. If I wanted to catch a man I had better stop acting like a clown... well... in my opinion... if I can't be myself with the people I love, who can I be myself with? I like to be around funny people and watch funny movies and buy fun whimsical things. I think life is much too important to be taken so seriously! What if the world's soldiers were supplied with silly string, whoopie cushions and (my favorite) cream pies? Well, I know that probably won't happen anytime soon....so I will conduct My life as a clown.

With that said, I want to introduce you to a shop owner at etsy who creates the cutest little pixie dolls she calls Sugarcookie Dolls. I mean I haven't seen anything like these... I mentioned in an earlier post that I don't like dolls... BUT these got my attention... they really made me laugh and you know how much I enjoy that! Toni Kelly is a stay at home mom and breast cancer survivor. Her grandmother passed away around 6 years ago... her positive attitude, her sense of humor, the way she dressed and the way she lived her life really left an impression on her... while helping her mother clean out her grandmother's closet, she had an Ah-Ha moment and with her newfound inspiration, she started incorporating bits & pieces of her grandmother's jewelry into her creations... that led to starting Sugar Cookie Dolls in honor of her grandma Cookie. In the summer of 2005 she was diagnosed with breast cancer... which gave her creations a new focus. Her words of advice are...GET A MAMMOGRAM!!!

I'm sure Toni will agree with my phiolosophy... Life is short - so have a blast while your here! and check out out her shop www.sugarcookiedolls.etsy.com/ Toni can also be found on a new online shopping site www.lollishops.com/ I bet you will find a fun Valentines Day gift... oh, and check out her daughters artwork of their English Bulldog... adorable!!!

Have a fun day and don't forget to laugh outloud!

xoxo Inge

P.S. I found a man who appreciates my sense of humor and silliness... that is what he loves best about me. We will celebrate our 11th anniversary this March.


Scarlet Fields said...

Good Morning, my laughing friend! Many, many congratulations on your eleven years. Life is much too short and really seems to fly by much faster when you are with someone you love. Hope you spend the weekend laughing-Much giggling from here-S

Thanks for sharing the work as well, you are right they are just darling

Crafty Green Poet said...

laughter is vital, you're right...

I like these dolls and the necklace is gorgeous