Mar 31, 2011

James is in the Bay Area working this week...I miss him... I am one Blessed mom to have such a terrific son, I am well aware there are mom's who do not have a close relationship with their children, so Iam grateful. I also have a terrific friend who comes over to see me almost daily... we haven't been friends for that long...we were co-workers and instantly clicked...we have alot in common. I haven't had a female friend in years...the women I knew seemed to enjoy drama and that does not interest me... I am grateful CJ is part of my life. Who do you laugh out loud with? xo Inge

Mar 30, 2011

Abraham Hicks | Decide To Explore Wellbeing

Just came back from Dr. Wong, aka Doogie Houser, he is in his 30s and is head of Radiology and a professor and who knows what else, to me he is one of my Guardian Angels. He is happy with my progress and that makes me happy. It is about 2 weeks since my last radiation treatment and I feel better when I poop, sorry to be blunt but anyone who went through what I did knows how awful that is, the example would be... labor pains... just before the baby comes out. Anyway, I made it... I was told not everyone completes the treatment... but for those of us that do we are rewarded with a small handmade quilt...forgive me if I mentioned that in an earlier blog. My goal now is to sit on my butt so I do some collage... I miss that. I get around with the help of a walker so I can some exercise... my muscles like it... it will be nice to stretch my muscles again... I didn't do Yoga, but my interpretation of it which is how I started and ended my day... baby steps...I will be good as new in no time. Hope you have a good week and don't forget to laugh out loud! xo Inge

Mar 26, 2011

it has been 16 days since last radiation.... my skin is finally healing... i did 30 treatments... i will admit it is the hardest thing i ever did...i really believe the prayers helped....THANK YOU!!!!
James is still here...he is my rock. next week i have 2 doctor visits for checkup...then in a few weeks is the reimaging and then i don't know the plan. i choose to live in the moment because i still need work in the obsessing department. i still can't sit on butt and have not gone outside in butt hurts when i walk but that will get better. i am also reading Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Yourself... so much truth in those chapters and i read one of the affirmations on page 104 twice daily. i have met soooo many wonderful people who have the c-word...i want to be as positive as them and brave. i have been thinking about the gifts i want to make the Guardian Angels who touched my life... it will have a bird theme... it will be fun to get back to crafting soon.... just as soon as i can sit on my butt'
Hope your weekend is fun and don't forget to laugh out loud!!! xo inge

Mar 4, 2011

Three more radiation treatments to go and I finished my 2nd round of chemo last week. Even though I feel it is kicking my body is dealing with it quite well... as far as side effects. I thought I would be able to blog and surf the net a lot but my days have been going to daily treatments, doc visits, eating (what I can), and sleeping. I am grateful for every one's support and I am lucky to have my team of docs...that being said, I want tell you what happened to me and that there are times when the patient is better off making their own decision. Last month my chemo treatment fell around the same of Presidents Day which meant I would get 3 days of my 4 day treatment. The day my cocktail would be finished fell on a Saturday and that clinic is closed. My treatment was taken at home by a pump that was attached to port that is inside my breatbone...using this method helps me from getting stabbed by needles and saves my veins from collapsing...anyway, after a family discussion we we went against the doc and left the chemo pump the full 4 days...we showed up to the emergency room and I was unhooked right away... in my eyes it was a win, win situation. If i have to do this then i want i want 100% of my drugs.

There is another site i want to share with you...James found it and i signed up for a webpage.

i am so happy to be on the road to recovery... i can actually feel my body get stronger... not ready to shop or go for drives yet...i still cannot sit down on my butt... but i am getting stronger...i know it has a lot to do with the prayers and love sent my way...i added Jesus to my support group and i feel his presence. During my radiation treatment... i accept all my support and began to visualize myself working in my thriftshop. I am beating this and I think the bulls eye is already dead...the last few treatments are mopping up the debris.

Hope you have a fun weekend and don't forget to laugh out loud! xo Inge