Mar 30, 2011

Just came back from Dr. Wong, aka Doogie Houser, he is in his 30s and is head of Radiology and a professor and who knows what else, to me he is one of my Guardian Angels. He is happy with my progress and that makes me happy. It is about 2 weeks since my last radiation treatment and I feel better when I poop, sorry to be blunt but anyone who went through what I did knows how awful that is, the example would be... labor pains... just before the baby comes out. Anyway, I made it... I was told not everyone completes the treatment... but for those of us that do we are rewarded with a small handmade quilt...forgive me if I mentioned that in an earlier blog. My goal now is to sit on my butt so I do some collage... I miss that. I get around with the help of a walker so I can some exercise... my muscles like it... it will be nice to stretch my muscles again... I didn't do Yoga, but my interpretation of it which is how I started and ended my day... baby steps...I will be good as new in no time. Hope you have a good week and don't forget to laugh out loud! xo Inge

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