Dec 6, 2011

It's that time of year for that perfect for someone special or yourself! You already know I am a huge advocate to buy American made and especially from local business. I also turned vegan this year because of my health and yes...because I found out what horrible conditions our animal friends live and die in. There are two links I am featuring today who I think you will like and you will be supporting American artists and animal lovers.

The first is   Daisey Wares   the owner sells and makes handmade jewlery and vegan body products. She also rescues farm animals and works with the Harvest Home Sanctuary.

The second is The Qi papers  the owner sells and makes handmade postcards and cards. She uses the Japanese art of woodblock printing called Moku Hanga. She also rescues bunnies and fosters lots of them.

Please check out both of these sites and support small business!

By the way I am going to a Christmas party tommorrow at the Double Tree Hotel. It's for cancer survivors and is sponsored by UC Irvine Medical Center. Woo! Hoo!

Eat your fruits & veggies!   xo  Inge

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