Dec 1, 2008

I had no idea how many

wonderful and interesting people I would meet via the internet when I purchased my laptop a little over a year ago. I have come a long way since then, starting out selling on eBay, then etsy, then starting a blog last spring. I receive many kind and encouraging comments on my blog and I want to say thank you to all!

A few days ago a poet read my blog and left a comment, as usual I checked out her blog and discovered she is a poet as well as a "green" artist... like me...except I'm not a poet. I read her poetry and really liked it... soooo I thought I would share her prose with you. Here is the first one :


turn stones scurry

grey white movement

against grey white pebbles

the shush of the sea

the skirr of stones

turned by probing beaks

Inspired largely by the lovely bird,

the turnstone, which we saw on the coast at Oban, and partly by this post on obscure words on Write Anything
Crafted by Crafty Green Poet at 6:33 AM
Thinking about: , , ,

Here's another:

Frog, Waving

The last wild golden frog

waves* from its rock

to attract a mate.

The biologist stops

and picks it up. She wishes

she could leave it here,

remembers the care needed

years ago to avoid crushing frogs

with every step along this river

but now a deadly fungus advances, will reach this valley soon

and the frogs have no chance.

The biologist adds the frog

to her collection and walks down

the now less golden hill.

In the frog hospital

the last golden frogs in the world

sit in cages and wave.

*the male golden frog waves a front leg to attract a mate and to warn off other males. 2008 is the International Year of the Frog. Many species of frogs and toads around the world are threatened with extinction. You can read more about the problem and how you can help save the species concerned at Amphibian Ark (and follow the other links in the post too).

Crafted by Crafty Green Poet at 6:23 AM
Thinking about: ,

Juliet Wilson is based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She blogs at Crafty Green Poet, which features her poetry and ideas for reusing waste materials in craft items that are useful rather than works of art.

"The focus in my crafts is to reuse materials in practical ways that hopefully inspire people to think about how they can reuse their everyday waste. An example is: - recycled diary I also like to reuse materials to make collages to publicuse my blog or to use as postcards, here is a recent example: I also sometimes make bags from scrap materials, here is an example: Of course at this time of year I'm starting to make Christmas cards from reused materials:

Thank you Juliet for sharing your beautiful and thoughtful poetry with us.

Oops I have to run....

xoxo Inge


Crafty Green Poet said...

Inge - thanks so much for choosing to feature my work in your blog here, I'm honoured!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Inge. Juliet is a fabulous poet, I agree. Her work is always beautifully crafted. She is also one of the most honest and decent humans I've met in my adventures in bloggoland. A real force for good in the world. Thanks for reminding of these two wonderful poems.

d. moll, said...

We like CGP too! You might want to check out my rabbit's new "bunvention", it is made with all recycled materials.

Mistlethrush said...

Love the turnstone poem.