Feb 10, 2010

I am in awe of people who say they knew what they wanted to do with their life since they were a kid. I never contemplated anything like that. My days were spent pretty much wondering what I was going to do that day. Maybe if if I had been paying more attention to my future I would not have so much trouble with it now. I want to follow my passion and earn a living from that but the times I have attempted to go that way; like shop for antiques and collectibles and resell them... well, it just didn't pan out - financially speaking. I know that some say there is more to success than money but the guy I give my rent money to each month will beg to differ.
I am visualizing myself getting paid lots of money and see myself getting hired but so far nothing has really materialized. I really don't know what my perfect job is... well I can day dream about what I would like it to be, but in order for that to manifest itself will require money and lots of it. I have read plenty of books that say follow your dream and start your dream business but don't quit your day job until it becomes financially stable. Right now I want a job that pays me enough money to pay my expenses and allows me the extra time to research my dream job, oh, and how about a healthy work environment where the company does not work it's emloyees to death. I am doing everything I am supposed to be doing. I am keeping my part of the deal; visualizing, vision board, meditating, gratitude journal, applying for jobs online and in person, even cold calling. I am more than ready for the universe to keep its part of the deal. I know patience is a virtue but I live in a world that wants to be paid and on time. I am ready for that job. RIGHT NOW!
Hope your day is spent at a job that you love and don't forget to laugh out loud!
xoxo Inge

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