Jul 19, 2009

I can cross this off my bucket list

"The sun spit morning" remember that line from the movie "The Owl and the Pussycat" with Barbara Streisand? This is the view out my drivers side window waiting in line for the Long Beach Flea Market to let the vendors in.

My booth. I'm ready to sell! sell! sell!

Isn't this bag cute??? What a small world.... this gal was here from Arizona with her sis-in-law for a "power girl" weekend. I told her I liked her bag and she told me that she went to a workshop put on by Mary from Sweet Peas and Snapshots http://sweetpeasandsnapshots.com/ Mary is one of the blogs I like to follow and if you don't know about her you should check her out.

This beautiful booth belongs to Rose Carey. She has a blog you can check out.
http://thetarnishedcrownblog.blogspot.com/ She can be found at other flea marts in So Cal so check out her blog to find out where she will be next...

Many happy faces having fun at the flea market in spite of the hot weather.
I didn't make as much money as I hoped to make but it was better than a poke in the eye.
Tomorrow I go back to hunting for work.... Hope your week will be fun!
Don't forget to laugh outloud!
xoxo Inge

1 comment:

d. moll, l.ac. said...

Your booth looks gorgeous and you have some rabbits!