Jul 30, 2011

I got my eyebrows threaded today. Have you ever done that? This was my first time. I got them waxed before so I kind of knew what to expect. And I plucked my own eyebrows for years until I could no longer see up close without glasses. It was a bit painful... sort of like waxing only it took longer and I got to participate by holding the skin around my eyebrow so it was tight. I decided to give threading a try because it was half the price of waxing without the chemicals. Bally wood music played in the background so I tried focusing on seeing myself belly dancing so not to flinch. After my eyebrows the girl started threading my forehead...wait I now have hair growing out of my forehead? Then of course she saw my upper lip. Ugh! That poor girl needed a leaf blower to clean up her work station from all the hair she got off me! I do look much better now. One of my girlfriends gets a bikini wax every 6 weeks...you couldn't pay me to do that! I don't think I have to worry about that though because the radiation treatments seems to have taken care of that area!
xo Inge

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